Mozaik Expired Authorization Code

Hey y’all! Any way to get access to Mozaik? I tried the PC near the small CNC machine but it looks like the authorization code has expired.

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I’m going to piggy back on this. I know that @jamesfreeman is switching to quarterly codes soon vs updating the license every month.

My personal license expires next month @jamesfreeman and I would like to join your group plan.

Also I will be at the space tomorrow and can update the licenses if @jamesfreeman sends me them.

I too am interested in the group plan as is @Iammikecohen

I’ll get the code updated tonight.

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Any thoughts on a mozaik class, or a chat about it during a cncsig meeting?

Just being able to have the machine do all the cuts for drawer boxes is very enticing

I would be interested in both!

I’m available to answer Mozaik questions.

I’m a novice cabinet maker and software engineer who’s been using Mozaik for over a year.