Mini Maker Faire in Austin

Fellow maker,

Austin Tinker School is hosting the Mini Maker Faire this month, I figure Asmbly should be there, this is great for our brand exposure while making more connections with the local maker community.

Date/Time: April 13, 11AM-5PM
Location: Creative Collective, 1507 Wilshire Blvd,
Load-in will be on April 12 from 4-7 pm or April 13, 9-11 am, and load out will be on April 13 from 4-6 pm.

I spoke with Valerie and Jordan, sounds like we have to form a outreach team amongst ourselves. So I’m calling for help from anyone to put this together. If you have organization experience, or just want to show off your product. Let’s talk.

What we need: (incomplete)
Marketing material - flyer, brochure, pop-up banner,
Staffing - 3 for booth duty, >1 for everything else
Hardware: table, display, chairs, tv, tools, first aid, etc.

Informational only
Demos (Design, 3d print, electronic, tools, etc)
Hands-on activity



Their reply


Yeah unfortuantely @Jordanva2 and I will be out of town, but we’re excited to see members rally to show a presence for Asmbly at this event!

We have Asmbly brochures and Asmbly banners, so you can cross that off the list. We can make sure there’s a box of typical Asmbly literature and swag to take with. Another thing we typically do is bring examples of things made in each shop area (just grabbing favorites from the lobby displays). Always nice to get fresh stuff if anyone has projects they want to share. If you have the transportation and want to, you can take the prize wheel (we’d just need to make sure we’ve got the necessary items available or get them made before the event).

Thanks @valerie, where are the literatures and swags are so I can get them ready?

I’m meeting the organizer this Wednesday to check out the site, there is no cost for us and they supply table and 2 chairs but not sure about the table cloth(I’ll find out), do we have one with branding on it just in case?

I’ve seen the prize wheel, I should be able to fit into my car, just need to learn how it works.

@Snestle can you help with gathering literature and swag for @OctopusDream? Do we need to make some new coupons for the wheel?

We have black table clothes so you can use one of those. We also have branded Asmbly cutouts. Making a list of items we have on hand that you may want:

  • Prize wheel
  • Various swag (depending on current stock - water bottles, bags, t-shirts, pens, bottle openers, etc)
  • Asmbly share banner (we have 3 total, 2 are definitely hanging around the shop, 3rd one might be in the back)
  • Black table cloth
  • Laser Asmbly branding cutouts
  • Postcards
  • Brochures (standard trifold and square origami with paper QR code with instructions - some kids are really into this)
  • Business cards
  • Miscellaneous projects from the lobby (it’s good to bring a mix of examples that span all the shop areas - the brass hinge and 3D print prototype variant @ewei made is a great one to show people and talk about)
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Alex, I applaud you for joining this event, but sadly I cannot help staff the booth as I have a music festival to go to with 3 others that afternoon. BOL, Steve


Thanks @valerie! I’ll get with Sean to get the gears.

I need to ask a few more people to help with the booth because I don’t know if I can stay the whole day. So if you have anyone else in mind please let me know.

I know @Jordanva2 reached out to a few people who have helped in the past, but no one is available. I’ll connect with you directly, but hopefully we get some more bites here!

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Just checked out the site and met Kami the organizer, she’s hosted 5 mini maker faires in the past in Austin, and this is the first one after the pandemic. They’re excited about Asmbly’s participation and there is no cost for the booth. They are expecting about 20 vendors and most of the traffic would be family oriented.

The faire will be held at 1507 Wilshire Blvd Unit #1, Austin, TX 78722

Booth will be station along the walkway in the first photo, or we can be in the building in the 2nd & 3rd photo. We can hang up signs outside just no drilling. Two types of tables(img 4&5) are available to choose from. The weather seem pretty mild with 15mph winds and partial cloudy on Saturday. Having the booth along the path will be more visible and more traffic I imagine. But indoor is more spacious and round table allows more interaction at the same time.

We have to decide where we want to put the table, and we can setup on Friday or 2 hours prior the event on Saturday.

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Did you get help for this event? I’m available a few hours on Saturday. Let me know when would help most.

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Yes! No, I haven’t got any additional volunteers yet, thanks for offering! We can use all the help we can get.

I plan to go to the shop afterwork to gather things for the event, and load up the car tomorrow or Friday. If you happens to be there when I go I’d love to chat.

On Saturday, I expect the most traffic in the morning or early afternoon, if you can come by then to help engage the crowd that’d be great. I could use additional eyes during setup(10AM) as well, but less crucial. LMK.

I can meet you at the place at 10:00a Saturday, but won’t be at ASMBLY Thursday or Friday evening. See you then.

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I just want to give a big thank you to @OctopusDream @tomthm @David and @michleon100 for participating on behalf of Asmbly at the Mini Maker Faire this Saturday! The photos are great, and I’m happy to hear the event was a success! Go team!


Thanks Jordan, @David, @michleon100, and especially @OctopusDream (Alex) for putting this together. I met some interesting folks there, and had a chance to visit with newish member Alex and his wife. They’re both extremely nice and generous with their time.