Metal Shop Storage Updates

The metal storage area has been moved into the Machine Shop Annex, on the near wall to the right of the door. Most of the contents were moved with it.

Every single tag in that storage was dated a month or more ago. This area is meant for short term project storage, 7 days maximum, just like the other storage areas. Anything currently there that is not reclaimed within the next week will be claimed by Asmbly as abandoned property.

I am also updating the policies governing this area as follows:

  1. The purpose of having a separate storage area is to keep metal pieces from ruining adjacent wood with oil and dirt. This storage area is suited for long pieces and partial sheets. It is not suited for smaller projects, especially those with multiple pieces. Those can be stored on the storage shelves without posing a risk to nearby wood, and therefore they should be stored there. (If your prices are oily, either clean them or place paper underneath them, especially on the shelves made of MDF.)

@will_sham I moved your collection of pieces to those general storage shelves.

  1. None of the storage tags remained with their associated pieces. So in addition to a tag, you should use tape to label all of your larger pieces individually, or to bind smaller piece groups together and add a label.

  2. All pieces put into metal storage which have been cut absolutely MUST be deburred. This applies whether you or your supplier did the cut. This is a shared storage space; others may need to move your material, and they should not have to risk cuts to do so. If for some reason you need a piece to keep a sharp edge, then it should be taped over or otherwise rendered safe.

(In the Metal Shop Safety class, we recommend you debur your materials every time they leave the vise.)

  1. Because of the lower ceiling in the new storage area, the maximum length of stored items is about ten feet. If you need to store something longer, contact me to make arrangements.
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Thanks for these updates. It will be good to have a clear and consistent policy for metal storage. Are these policies available on line in something like a metal shop policy folder for future reference?

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My apologies Ethan - I put those pieces there late Sunday night (realized I wrote “6” instead of “7” for July) since I’d be returning the next day (yesterday) to finish. These are great policy updates, and I’ll be more on top of it going forward. Thanks!


No worries. I was wondering that I didn’t recall seeing those before, though I hadn’t paid close attention. Anyway, the small pieces revision that affected you is for the benefit of such projects; they’re much more likely to get damaged or lose pieces piled on the floor there than safely on a shelf.