Metal Shop Safety Update Class

We are debuting two new machines in the metal shop: the Precision Matthews Cold Saw and the Dayton 3-in-1 Brake-Shear-Roller for sheet metal.

We have decided that these items require additional training to use safely. They will be covered in the primary Metal Shop Safety Class going forward, but for those who’ve already taken that, we will have a short, free update class. You will need to take this class to be authorized to use these machines.

These are already listed on Neon like any other class. I will teach one session this Saturday morning, and we may add a second session in the afternoon if there seems to be a large initial surge of interested people. Then sessions will be offered regularly for a while, immediately after the regular metal shop safety class times.

This class has been restricted in Neon to those who have attended a MSS class or were marked as re-certified. If you have attended a MSS class or were re-certified by me and are having trouble registering, please send an email to so we can correct your attendance and get you registered.

The cold saw is an amazing improvement over our existing chop saw (which will be removed from service shortly, possibly even this weekend). And the brake-shear-roller brings entirely new sheet metal capabilities to our shop. The training time is a tiny investment to gain access to these tools.


Thank you Ethan for these improvements to the metal shop! I know a lot of hard work has gone into getting this all set up, and it’s very much appreciated.


I missed the update classes. Anymore planned?

+1, just saw this as I’ve been out of town.

Check the regular class schedule on the website and sign up there. We usually have them just after the regular MSS times.

The next update class is Sunday 1230 with Caroline

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Update - The last free update class will be December 3rd. After that, you will need to retake MSS to get access to the Cold Saw and BSR.


Bumping this deadline — only a few weeks left for the update class for access to the new cold saw and training on the BSR :point_up_2: