Metal Shop Recertifications Continue

Short notice, but I will be at the shop from now until at least 8 pm, and I can be available to do metal shop recertifications.

For those needing longer warning: I plan to be available for recertifications next Monday and Tuesday evening, 6 pm - 9 pm. I will likely be available one of this weekend’s afternoons as well, but I’m not certain which yet.

Remember, all members have to either take the Metal Shop Safety Class or be officially Recertified with me by March 16 in order to use the metal shop after that date.

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Hey Ethan I’m headed your way.

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I’ll aim for Monday or Tuesday- any sign up? or just show up during that time slot?

Mostly just show up.

Reminder that I will be at the shop from 6 pm - 9 pm tonight and tomorrow night for recertifications.

And if you see me at the shop some other time, you can always ask about the recertifications; I’ll accomodate you if I can.

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I’m going to stop in about 7:30PM for a recertification.

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So I’ve now met and recertified about three-quarters of the people who contacted me when I asked who wanted to be recertified. Despite my late start, I think we are on track for our March 16 deadline.

I’ll be around a lot for the next 6 days, and I may announce some additional specific times. (You don’t have to have contacted me previously to seek recertification if you think you qualify.) My availability may drop off a bit during that final week, so I advise people to seek me out soon.