Mess left in woodshop

The first picture shows bunch of sawdust that was left and a project that was left on a workbench. This workbench is not for storage and anything stored must have a note for who it belongs to.

The second picture shows a project without a ticket, but it’s at least in the right place for 3 day storage.

Do we have full surveillance coverage of the space ? Can we review video and issue financial penalties for this continued abuse of the common resources ?

This is why I have my own (fabrication, metal , wood, electronics ) hacker space and only let vetted / trusted individuals use it . Abuse is rampant in community spaces unfortunately , especially without accountability.

Not a week goes by without reports of abuse at assmbly. It’s unfortunate.

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Yes, there’s full surveillance of the space. It’s currently a bit of a pain to correlate people in the video with entry ID logs so not every offense gets a track down and reprimand. Improving that situation is on the to-do list but not at the top.

A small handful of members have been terminated in the past year based on video evidence, and a few others have shaped up after written warnings.

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To echo @Jon investigating and enforcing is a person driven effort and we need more members stepping up to help with this task. Anyone who is interested in joining that effort should reach out to @cfstaley for details on how to get involved.

Thank you for reporting @wynd!