Manual mill not starting [RESOLVED]

Hi metalheads,

I came in to practice on the manual mill, but the mill wouldn’t start when pressing the “start” button. The x-axis and displays were working, so the machine was receiving power to the best of my knowledge, but I avoided fiddling with it because the control system looked complicated.

One thing I noticed is that the start and stop buttons look different than they were when I took the milling class a couple of weeks ago.

Do y’all have anything that I could try with it? Also happy to help in the event that my basic electronics and programming experience could be helpful with this. Thanks for your help!


The old buttons had become flaky, so I replaced them with something very temporary. Something must have come loose, but I won’t be able to get up there for several days.

:thinking: the wiring seemed okay to me but I’ll check it again if I get the chance.

There’s two small wires to and from the big buttons. And three wires to the direction toggle switch. (Actually, one of each of those goes from the toggle to the buttons.)

It’s running again. There was an error code on the VFD display that I couldn’t quite make out, but pressing “stop” on the VFD cleared it. Now both directions are fine again.


Awesome! Thanks for taking a look at it

There are parts on order; hopefully the final setup will be more stable.

@mgmoore @Jon

In addition to whatever @Jon fixed, it turns out I wasn’t pushing the start button hard enough. :person_facepalming:

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