Makerspace Bootcamp / Book

Interested in running an excellent Makerspace? Want to help make ASMBLY truly first class?

Check out this boot-camp in October 16-20 @ Michigan.

@TravisGood introduced me to Maker Works - they literally wrote the book on how to build and operate a high-quality Makerspace.

If you haven’t read the book, I got a copy for ASMBLY members to read (ask around).

If this topic passionately interests you, I suggest getting a personal copy for yourself.

The Intentional Makerspace: Operations

If the price is out of your budget right now, no worries, hit me up directly and I’ll send you a copy.

(Musing… we ought to have a book club…?)

Have an excellent Friday and weekend!

Hope to see you in Michigan!

// JRO

I haven’t been there, but I’d heard good things about MakerWorks while I was living in Ann Arbor. :slight_smile:

If anyone ends up going and wants some recommendations about what to see/do in Ann Arbor outside of the bootcamp, I’m more than happy to talk your ear off.

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