Machining crash course / project help over Summer

Hello, I was wondering if a machining crash course was available over the Summer, or if anyone with machining knowledge could help me make some parts for my jet engine on the Tormach. If so, please let me know!


For access to the Tormach, you need to first take the manual machining class and then organize a two-part tormach 1-on-1 class with @EricP (not sure if anyone else teaches it). Maybe he could give you some more info on a crash course of if you could expedite it or anything.

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Unfortunately, I am restructuring the intro milling class, which is the second class in the four class sequence you need, so there aren’t any on the schedule now. What is your level of machining experience?

I am certified in the University of Texas machine shop and have experience making parts on manual lathes. I don’t have much experience with CNC milling or CAM though.

I’m definitely interested in the intro to milling class. Any idea when you might have it back on the schedule?

It is complicated, but this is not really within my control right now. We will schedule them as soon as we can.