Lots of computer stuff in UFG

As we’re upgrading machines in the space, a lot of computer stuff is hitting up-for-grabs. The PCs themselves are all different flavors of old, but there’s a lot of good RAM and SSDs there at least.

Right now there’s three PCs an an old iMac. There will be some more PCs and monitors put out in the next week or so. Please take what you like; anything left when workday rolls around is going to e-waste collection.


Can you share specs of those PCs? Might be useful as small/home office file or print servers.

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I’ll share what I have. If you check them out in person you can look up the service codes for details.

the two SFF Dells are:

  • i5-650 16GB RAM with a spinning disk
  • core 2 duo E8500 with ??? RAM (I’d guess 2GB, maybe 4) and a SATA SSD

The homebuilt “Class Room PC” is an i7 920 with 6GB of RAM and a spinning disk. Halfway decent power supply if need parts.

the iMac I’ve personally never powered on. I’d SWAG it’s 2010ish. It was being used as of a year or so ago. There’s a clean apple-layout USB keyboard with it. I’ll check identifying marks next time I’m in.

There’ll be a Xeon workstation (the old Dorian PC) and a C2 Quad (old Textiles) coming next week.

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Any idea what the password for the Asmbly or maker account on this iMac would be?