Looking to part with my Ender 3 [SOLD]


I bought an Ender 3 and had fun teaching myself the basics of 3D printing, but now I have more hobbies than rooms in my house and something has to go!

I put up the lot on craigslist but I don’t know the used market well enough to know if my asking price is fair.
(I started out at $300, which is at least a hundred less than I have invested, but dropped to $250 after a day of no bites)

I would give an ASMBLY member a better deal than some CL rando, so let me know if you’re interested.

Also please let me know if I’m asking too much! Even if you’re not in the market, please let me know what a good price for this bundle would be so I can find a loving home for this gear sooner than later.

(also willing to split the printer from the filament/dryer)

Thanks! (and apologies to the mods if you have to delete this post)

Consider giving it to our Member Jo Ngo. He is a teacher over at Anderson High School. They have a robotics program and those kids would use it.

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