Looking for direction to find Electron Microscopy services

Hello folks,

I am looking to find lab services that can help test some samples for school projects. If you know of anyone or have references, could you share the details?

Appreciate your help.


If it’s for an educational purpose, I would start with reaching out to UT. There are a number of SEMs, TEMs, and STEMs on campus, and you might be able to convince one of the facility managers or an individual faculty member (grad student in reality) to run a few for you at the internal rate. If it’s going to be more than a few, you’ll likely need to learn how to use the microscopes yourself and pay at the external rate. Alternatively, there are lots of companies out there that will run samples for you, at a much higher cost.

TMI is not the only UT core facility with electron microscopes, but it’s a good place to start. Instrument Reservation Information

The next one I’d ask would be the microscopy core. Fees - Center for Biomedical Research Support

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