Links during migrations - Report problems here!

Hey all,

We’re trying to get some of the final account migration items addressed so we can cut unnecessary costs. Inevitably with how sprawling things have gotten, there will be some broken links – particularly links to items in the old GDrive which is going through final decommission. We have all the files backed up in the new account (free :tada:), but matching up all the links will take some time and some items are ultimately moving to a new format (like the new ASMBLY wiki server we’re setting up, don’t worry the old wiki will be preserved as is).

If you come across a broken link, please report it here so we can squash the migration bugs more quickly. Thanks for the help and patience while we try to get all these things sorted.

Items already on the list:

ATXHS Wiki, link to bylaws - document “does not exist” in Google Docs.

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Fixed wiki old bylaws link and all links on the FAQ page of the website. Video tour is now uploaded on the ASMBLY YouTube channel

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@AmandaWinograd if you find more broken links like the red laser doc, will you add them here? We’ll probably run into this a lot with Google doc links. I’m going to try to migrate a lot of those things to the new wiki when that is up so that we have less of that kind of problem moving forward.