Light burn unable to find device?

I’m using Dorian and I opened Lightburn but it says that it cannot find the device. It gives the options; Find My Laser, Create Manually, Lightburn Bridge, and Import. None of those.options seem to do anything and I’m not sure where to start. Any help is appreciated.

Tried restarting everything including the computer?

Don’t know if it’s related, but I got this message the other day:

Dorian device was still present, though, and I was able to cut.

Yes. We are troubleshooting now. Had to roll Lightburn back to a previous version so it could see the device but Mike Leonard is working on having it updated while seeing the laser.

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Yeah, the library has been gone the last few times I used Dorian so I’m not sure if someone moved it on accident or it’s the update screwing with everything.

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