Laguna Swift Y-Axis Homing Not Working

While doing the homing sequence on the Laguna Swift, the gantry crashes into its endstop along the Y-axis and makes a knocking sound without triggering the homing switch. The X-axis seems to be fine.

Hey I’m about to use the machine tomorrow morning. Is the machine running or not after you “home all”? Did it impact your job at all, were you able to still use the machine? Thanks

I wonder if there is a continuity issue with the homing wire or sensor? I’m not as familiar with this router so I’m just guessing

I was able to use the machine by manually setting the homing point. Hope that helps.

I was able to home all this morning and run my job without doing anything different than normal starting up the machine. It did hit the kick stop somewhat hard like you described but I didn’t have any issues with setting the XYZ points after that, and it worked fine. I think it’s fine but yeah maybe the homing speed is a bit too high or there’s a setting that can be adjusted where it’s not hitting the stop as hard?

Okay, interesting. Did you see the Y-axis zero out after the Y-axis homing? I thought I wasn’t seeing that but if that’s happening, then I will mark this thread as resolved.