I’ve been using the small CNC today and had a few problems.
The controller would intermittently read my flash drive. I am using an 8 GB USB 2.0 drive that has always worked on the controller without issue. I tried two different drives, the same style, and neither would be recognized by the controller. After turning the machine off/on the controller began reading my drive and all worked as should.
After about 20 successfully completed paths I started up another path and the spindle did not spin but dropped down, started moving, and broke my bit. Unfortunately I didn’t realize this is what caused my bit to break until I replaced the bit with a new one, went through the process again and saw it snap the second bit. The Spindle display readout was slashing “ot 1” when this happened.
I restarted the machine and all worked as it should.
I’ve never dealt with a broken machine - is this something I should yellow tag?