June CNC SIG Recap - Flatpacks, Apples, & Cylindrical Lamps--oh my! (6/2/24)


Welcome to the recap of the June CNC summer kick-off! Zoom link is at the bottom for those who’d prefer to watch the meeting in its entirety.

Off we go!

  • @bwatt showed up with his typical words of encouragement and glee. Was great seeing Jaden here this month as well. Last month’s graduation project for his brother worked out!

  • @TravisGood made a “Total Recall” version of a cylindrical lamp. We say Total Recall because it reminded everyone of the face opening up in the movie (when Arnold pretends to be the redhead). I see it!

  • He later presented on his finished multilayered masterpiece picture of his daughter. It’s the perfect example of using multiple disciplines to create an astounding work of art. The woman in the picture is his daughter.

  • @SteveW created a modular atta-boy “Hey my kid made it to the next grade and isn’t held back,” which is always a good thing =). He used one of his favorite websites to craft the design: silhouettegarden.com

  • We also had @AlexSchoedler come in for an impromptu discussion of this AMAZING cabinetry he’s designed and made for storing vinyl records. He went through the entire process of designing in vCarve, and he even told us what bits he’s using–he uses an 1/8’’ compression bit to create shavings on 1/2’’ thick Baltic Birch when he’s making his cut-outs. This allows him to AVOID setting up tabs and thus reduces sanding time. Pretty cool.

  • Another really cool thing about @AlexSchoedler is that he’s made a company that’s selling stuff! This is especially helpful for those interested in moving into the entrepreneurial aspect of making. This is one of the best aspects of sharing–we all get to learn from each other and apply that knowledge wherever we’d like. One of his final designs is shown below (taken from his website gluelagom.com).

  • We continued the conversation with a presentation on sketch carving, which is a vCarve version 12 addition that allows us to easily take a photo and pop it into vCarve without the time-consuming aspect of tracing it.

  • Another item of note that we went over is that, from the Laguna CNC perspective at Asmbly, the speed displayed on the controller is what’s being run. This means the speed on the controller OVERWRITES what’s in the g-code. This is why it’s important to check the speed on the controller to ensure it matches what you desire.

  • Also, check to make sure your speeds are set properly using a table or calculator, e.g. for spiral router SpeTool bits: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0404/1582/1977/files/SpeTool_spiral_Router_bits_8ae74723-4152-4436-82f7-8306b61437f3.pdf?v=1676951571

  • @tomthm and @TravisGood brought their A-game humor to the meeting, which made it a delight. Always fun seeing @michleon100 and hearing his feedback, especially since he’s the head of the Laser SIG and can bring a nuanced perspective to the CNC.

Theme for next month’s meeting is “Something Functional and/or Patriotic.” It could be something functionally patriotic. Look, I don’t make the rules…or do I?

Alright, I’ll see you guys at next month’s meeting at 9am on Sunday, July 7th at Asmbly, or the first Sunday of every month. Remember, like all our Special Interest Groups (SIG) events, this is free for everyone (members and non-members alike), so invite anyone who may be interested in seeing what folks are doing on the CNC!

Zoom link of the entire meeting. Thank you to @jamesfreeman for recording all of these and uploading them so we can look back and see what was discussed.



Thanks for posting this. For everyone reading this… this group has a great sense of community, it is fun and playful and they include all who attend. Please come and join us if you’re interested in CNC.