July Entrepreneur SIG Tonight!

Hey y’all,

It’s that time again! Entrepreneur SIG will be held in Asmbly’s MPR tonight, Thursday, July 18th @ 7:00pm.

I want to give @michleon100 another big thank you for hosting last month’s Entrepreneur SIG. Last month the topic of focus was filling out a Business Model Canvas (BMC), a strategic management tool used to visualize, design, and communicate a company’s core business logic. It’s essentially a blueprint that outlines the key elements of how a business creates, delivers, and captures value. Attendees walked through and filled out the BMC together. If you are interested in filling out your own Business Model Canvas, you can find that document available here!

Tonight we will go over any questions from last month and apply some details from the BMC (such as Channels, Customer Relationships, and Revenue Streams) to discuss project/product presentation opportunities for entrepreneurs. We will have a group discussion where we touch on some internal opportunities (quarterly Asmbly Maker Showcase and annual Asmbly Maker Market) as well as external opportunities (pitch events, markets, etc.).

I look forward to seeing you there, and hearing everyone’s ideas!

Jordan Varat

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