Intro to milling class for 2024?

Main reason I joined Asmbly was to use the mills available.

Currently there is nothing on the calendar and last this topic was mentioned on here was July 23’, so I’m curious if there is any interest to justify an Intro to Millling class in the coming month?

I’d be interested

I would sign up

Mill classes happen regularly, and are usually added to the schedule in batches.

@mgmoore has added the new mill to the intro class, I believe, so keep an eye out on the classes page.

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You can also yourself to a waitlist. You get alerted when a class is added. Waitlist request

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Already wait listed the class and debated attempting the checkout class cuz I know a lot of the theory but haven’t had the equipment to put it into practice.

Hi @branacleboy, @nikcollins, and @eriese

New dates for Intro to Milling have been added to the calendar, Mar 27, Apr 3, and Apr 17. I hope y’all are able to make it to one of them! If not, you can add yourself to the waitlist now to be informed of future dates.

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Hmmm still seeing this

What is the checkout class ?

Sorry about that Nik, the classes page doesn’t always update instantaneously so I’ll link to the individual sessions below:

Mar 27

Apr 3

Apr 17


Booked! Really looking forward to it.

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We offer Checkouts for students who are already well familiarized with the tools and concepts involved as an abbreviated pass/fail class. There are several classes that are exempted from this, and I would have to check with the Intro to Milling instructor to see if this class is eligible.

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I can and have done checkout classes for the mill. This is appropriate for people who are comfortable with: precise vise alignment, tool and speed selection, face milling, and the difference between conventional and climb milling.


Please keep in mind there was a brief delay in scheduling classes while we made plans for integrating the new mill into the class.

I have generally scheduled classes twice a month. Just a couple months ago, I had scheduled classes canceled when no one signed up, so we thought that that frequency was sufficient. If there is higher demand now, I will try to add more classes, but that will be difficult before mid-May.

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