Installing Vcarve Makerspace Client

Got a new PC and trying to get the VCarve Makerspace Client installed. My understanding is this is done by installing the Vcarce Pro Trial Edition, then going to Help > About Vcarve Pro Trial Edition…

When I go there, i don’t see the field to enter a makerspace Id:

Screen Shot 2022-10-14 at 10.42.40 AM

Am I doing something wrong?

This is an example I found online. If it is not there anymore, then it may have changed a bit in the new 11-Oct build…

There is a note on their website saying version 11.5 doesnt support the makerspace edition yet, you ha e to download 11.0.

Says they are working on the 11.5 version for the makerspace.

My VCarve v11.0 won’t open, it tells me it is outdated and I need to get the new version. Maybe I can do something to suppress that error?

If not, that’s pretty poor software support to require a new version that is missing some critical feature for use.

I was able to open the demo file for recertification class edit, and save it (in 11.5). We’ll see if it’ll still open on the shop computer.

I just installed the 11.0 Trial from the link James posted and it worked for me