Installing current VCarve makerspace client?

Hi all - I’m on a new PC and went to install vcarve. However, no longer seems to have a download for 11.0, and there is a new process for validating the updated vcarve makerspace client. Can we register for the new process through ASMBLY, or is there a way to download and register the old version?

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They have released version 11.55, and changed the license model with it. I’ve had to email in a few times to get the bugs cleared, but should be installing it on all the Asmbly pc’s tonight.

The new process involves sending out an email to invite you to the Asmbly license, and you’ll have to create a Vectric portal account.

I believe I’m almost through that process as well.

They didnt mention that theyd be removing the 11.0 download, so it caught me off guard. For what its worth, it seems like 11.0 will work on any computer its already installed on, and the files are forwardand backward compatible.

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I’ve also been struggling to install a Makerspace version of Vcarve Pro on my laptop. I managed to register my email address from the Laguna CNC PC and got a response from Vectric to use the Makerspace edition software. The link they sent installed version 11.5. I’ve messaged them at

Has anyone else been able to install and use the Makerspace Vcarve on their own laptop?

whats your email @beirdo

I send a direct message.

James, I just downloaded the card Pro 11.555. I guess I need the invitation to get it to work on my computer. My email is
I do have a windows machine but was using it mostly from my Mac. The configurations I have installed on the Mac goes back to Danny’s machine. Can I do it on both?