I'd forgotten about Austin Creative Reuse, and it's great

I hadn’t been to Austin Creative Reuse since they relocated, because I’d honestly forgotten about it. Every time I go in that place, it sparks so many ideas.

So I thought I’d mention here to add it to your radars. Both for those who have also forgotten about it as I have, and who have never heard about it before.

It’s essentially a thrift store for supplies to make stuff.


Know of any places like that for e-waste?

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@duskglow - alas, I do not.

@duskglow these are the two I know of –

I’ve only used the CoA one.


I went for the first time yesterday and it was awesome! They also were giving the lady in charge an award for running it for 20 years. Super cool place. Got some paint. There was a very tiny electronic section so they might take some electronics, not sure.


Looks cool, can’t wait to visit. Thank you for posting!

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