I have a red-oak that is being taken down in my yard - anyone want sections?

I have a red oak that is being taken down soon (damaged in the storm). If there are any solid-ish looking bits, would anyone like any for wood turning? If so - what would be a preferred cut-length? And what would be a minimum desirable diameter?


I’d love to take some!

If there are any branches around 6-9 inches in diameter, I’d love some 4-5 foot sections if possible, as that can work well for making archery bows.

Some pretty manageable bowl blanks would be in the region of 9-15 inches in diameter and maybe around a foot in length. But also, smaller diameters work well for smaller bowls and other little trinkets. I think in general it probably makes sense to have the pieces at least as long as they are wide, but having a few pieces that are a good bit longer than that for vase type pieces would be great too.

Lastly, if there are any burls on the tree, I would make sure to keep every bit of it regardless of the size as that can produce some stunning figuring in the wood.

Got it. For perspective, this is the tree. I’m reasonably certain the entire bottom section won’t be usable, as much of the interior of the base of this tree is hollow. (on this picture, I’m expecting about where it matches height of the roof from this angle) And health of the upper parts can’t be known yet.

If I do manage to get any that meet your potential interests, I’ll ask you come fetch them from my house. I just don’t have a car that can transport tree sections

ok, for sure! I’ll be able to swing by and take the pieces away. Do you have an estimate for when the tree is coming down? I’ll be out of town next week, but will get there as quick as I can.

I’m attaching the same picture marked up with the branches that I think would work well for a bow, and I am pretty confident I could process some usable turning stock from these too to share with anyone that is interested in taking some. If those branches end up looking healthy enough to use, it would be great to have as much length as possible on those (up to about 6 feet), and I will come and take it all away!

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The permit just came through on Friday, so the date for work hasn’t yet been set. There is no problem with the sections hanging out at my house, though. I’ll check back in once we get work scheduled

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@wynd - I went out to look at the sections you’ve circled, and I believe that you’ve guessed well in terms of the sections that are pretty straight.

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The work is going to happen tomorrow (Tuesday 3/28).

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The center of the branches looks like this

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