How does the key system work without a fob?

New here I guess. Hope this is in the right section. The seemginly appropriate section doesn’t allow me to post.

So I’ve been working through the layers of classes to use the hand tools and see if I might like the new version of this place. I don’t really want to deal with another issue so figured I’d ask beforehand. I’ve looked in multiple places and it was likely covered during the orientation and I apologize for not recalling. I’d also expect it to be in the FAQ.

Given my whole intent was to see if the new asmbly is somewhere I’d like to utilize or spent time at and I’m $230 in the hole + 4 hours of time to spend 1 hour to use the hand tools, I just want to make sure even more time isn’t used up to achieve my simple goal.

Thank you for your help!
How to Join menu:

You use an app on your phone, or if you prefer, you can email to purchase a physical fob.