Hardware cutouts are tedious and time-consuming; Shaper Origin makes them fast and easy.
While there are hundreds of downloadable designs on Shaper Hub, I designed three to test:
Using the new Shaper Studio web-based design software I iterated till I got it right. What’s “Got it right” mean? Check it out, they’re cut to just the friction-fit I wanted and with recesses that is just the look I wanted. Having locked down the design I can now do these cutouts in less than five minutes each.
Here’s the scrap walnut I used after the cutouts were finalized:
Here you can see the set-up from prototype on the front right to design on the Origin’s screen.
If you’d like to check it out yourself then look for the “Shaper Origin” laser-cut box on the tool’s cart in the Textiles room. Pull the hardware out, inspect the cuts, and test the tightness of the fits. I didn’t secure the hardware because it’s for demo purposes. If you’d like to try to cut these yourself using my hardware then write to me and I’ll send you the design file. If you create hardware cutouts in your woodworking then it’s worth learning this strength of Origin.