Help moving a few boards

Hi everyone, I have a few 5x5 pieces of plywood I’m looking to bring to the shop to break down today. Usually I have access to my roomates pickup truck but he is out of town and I can’t fit the boards into my car. Is there anyone with a truck that could help me get them to the shop around 5pm today? I’m happy to pay for gas. I’m about 10 minutes from the shop right off of Loyola. Feel free to PM me. Thanks!

Hey Will, I don’t have a truck and can’t help with your request unfortunately but I’m not sure if you saw the Erics post that the SawStop is out of commission for probably about a day so you likely couldn’t break them down today anyway. Unless the panel saw would suit your purposes. Just wanted to let you know

I just saw that. Canceled my reservation for today so offer is still open for tomorrow afternoon!