Help finish the mural! :awesome:

If you have been by the space recently, you may have seen India working on the Asmbly mural in the lobby. Here’s what it looks like as of right now:

There are a few more pieces to this mural that will finish it out to look something like this (homage to Greetings from Austin mural):

The Ask

We need help painting these remaining mural pieces ASAP (photo shoot at the space this Sunday 11/13) –

The big letter outlines just need more coats on the edges to cover up the laser char from cutting them, same with the “Welcome to” letters.

The Welcome banner just needs one coat of white primer across the top then we’ll paint the rest blue with black on the outlines.

Makerspace of Austin we want to paint just the top surface and leave the charred edges. We’ll laser cut and stain wood ply to put on top of these pieces (if anyone is interested in helping with that part, speak up and we’ll get you the material and files!).

There are foam brushes and small foam rollers on the table with these laid out. We can use this white primer in the bucket on the floor next to the table –

Help out and make your mark on this awesome mural!


Cindy is here painting the edges as outlined above.

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I have tomorrow (Friday) off and can come paint during the day if needed.

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Dorian looks open as well tomorrow, I could come cut the plywood if it’s available.

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Awesome! Thanks @cmetcalf and @David!

@Iammikecohen that would be awesome! I’ll be up at the space from about 1p onward tomorrow and can get you the files and material. Skedda looks wide open right now, let me know what time you’re thinking and I can book it separate from your hours so there’s no risk of putting you over.

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Put me down for 2 pm.

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Done! :white_check_mark:

Progress update!


It looks so good!!