Help a teenager out

Hey Asmbly community - I am a relatively new member and loving all the perks of this awesome space. My focus is all woodworking, but I am wondering if I can tap into this awesome community of makers. My son has this idea of engraving a mouthpiece for a trumpet to give to a friend as a sweet 16th birthday gift. After calling around and finding out that people charge over $60 to do this, he is feeling like this may not be possible as that is out of his price range. I was wondering if anyone on this forum might be willing to do it for him for cheaper or for a trade maybe? Please let me know if you would be interested/willing and we can chat about the details.

Thanks in advance for considering it!

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Do you have an example photo?

Hey Hanna! Thanks for responding. Here is the mouth piece. He wants to engrave the neck (not where the mouth would go). He was thinking 2-3 words. About ten characters or so.

I’m not able to add a photo or a link. Just google trumpet mouthpiece. And evidently he has two of them. I appreciate your considering it.

@JoeN might be able to help

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I think I can help. I will dm you

I learned how to use the rotary and engrave the mouth pieces. I have never used a rotary on a laser. I learned how to set it up.

The main lesson is to double check the wording prior to engraving. I accidently missed typed 1 letter. It changed the meaning from inside joke to something not appropriate for high school. The 2nd trumpet mouthpiece came out fine.

Checking if I’m centered


It was perfect. No worries on messing the first one up. He was over the moon with the second one and she really loved the gift. No need to remake the first one as I said the mouthpiece itself was very inexpensive. High school kid type budget. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the effort. And I’m happy to hear it encouraged you to learn something new. I always try to incorporate a new skill with every project.

Thanks again!