Garage Downsizing, Air Compressor, Scroll Saw, Router, Hand tools, Misc

I inherited these from my partner’s dad or granddad. They may need some work…

[GONE] Sears/Craftsman 2HP Air Compressor

[CLAIMED] Dremel 16” Variable Speed Scroll Saw
I did turn this on, and tried one cut, but didn’t really have a use for it. It has a little table with a light.

Sears/Craftsman 1.25 HP Router Table
I also never turned this on.

Hand drills using battery systems that I don’t intend to adopt.

Random tools…

Rolling toolbox… CLAIMED

Folding sawhorsey table… GONE

I also have bags and bags of sockets. There’s probably every reasonable US size and most of the reasonable metric sizes. They’re organized by drive size. I’ll give you the whole bag for a drive size, but not individual sockets.

Some of these are small enough that I’m happy to drop them at Asmbly for you to pick up. The air compressor or scroll saw, we’d want to arrange a time for you to pick up (East-Central Austin).

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Hi Aneel! Super interested in the air compressor if possible!

PM sent on scroll saw.

Hey Aneel, has anyone got to you about the toolbox?

Nope. Want me to bring the toolbox to Asmbly for you?

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That would be awesome, thank you!