Free stuff (air compressor and cordless sander)

Ryobi sander & Porter Cable 6 gallon air compressor.

Both items work perfectly, I’ve just upgraded and have limited room at home.

I’d love for these items to go to someone who can actually use them.

Please let me know if you want either or both and we can meet up at Asmbly sometime this week.



Michael, I would like the Ryobi sander!

Thanks! Steve

Steve Kupec, Owner
Living on the Edge Woodwork

If the air compressor is still available, I’d love to snag it!

Got it for both of you!

I’m gonna swing by Asmbly today around 12:30ish and I’ll put both items by or on the “Up for Grabs” rack with your name on them.

Thanks and enjoy!

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Thank you Michael! I’ll be by tomorrow morning to pick it up.

oh hey i want that sander

Michael, I’ll get there as soon as I can to pick up the sander! Thanks again for the support to my efforts!

All items have been spoken for, thanks!

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Hey, Michael Doto, just wanted to let you know that the compressor is still at Asmbly. It has your name on it and is in the “Lost and Found/Up for Grabs” area.


Thank you Michael, I’ll be in early tomorrow morning.