Free Mesquite (sorta )

Hi all ! I know its short notice, I thought I would finish today but its HOT !!
$100 cash or 25 BF of mesquite
I’ve got to load a trailer with mesquite (and some walnut) that’s come out of the kiln. The location is Georgetown at one of the sawmills there.
Timewise it’ll take between 1-2 hours depending on who signs up to help - based on me loading one trailer on Thursday by myself (2.5 hours), loaded another today with a helper , 1.5 hrs )

Would like to start at 9:00 AM , Sat Morning (8/19)
It’s 4/4 and 8x4 mesquite , 6/4 and 8/4 walnut ( fyi - the walnut has no sapwood ) , there’s a few pieces of pecan.
The wood or cash payment will be generous . If for whatever reason you don’t see anything that will work and you want wood, you are welcome to look at other inventory I have . - Ideally its a quick in and out before the heat is unbearable .
Please message me or respond below .

Hey there, Jeff. Happy to help out. I’ll drop you a line with my contact info and we can coordinate.

Hi Jeff, I you need another hand I’m happy to help too. I’ll send you a DM

Michael Doto

Great - yes please . The more hands - the faster it goes .

Reading this afterwards but if you have good walnut or mesquite to sell I am interested

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Ditto on the “selling” aspect of this post… B) Steve

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Try this place out for great mesquite.

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-Hi All -
I tried to message for those interested in buying some wood. In case you didn’t receive please send me a text and we can connect 512- 689-3640. I’ve got a storage unit just past Bee Caves and have a good bit of mesquite and some walnut .
Thanks !