Fiber Laser / Dog Tags

Hola makers -
Is the fiber laser operational?

I’ll be in town next week, and I’m interested in making metal dog tags for my pups Coco & Cleo, as an project to learn how to use a fiber laser.

Haven’t arrived on a design yet, but something like this:


If the laser is not operational yet, where else in town could I learn / use one?

// JRO

The fiber laser is close, working out some last details. But not there yet

This fiber laser is not really for marking like that though mainly for cutting the outside shapes

Your best results will just be buying blanks and engraving on the co2 laser.
You can buy pre powder coated blanks and just remove the coating.

Or you can spray with cermark or equiv on stainless and engrave that way.

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This is a job for an entirely different type of laser.

I put in a full proposal but couldn’t get it to go anywhere.

I just checked and there are still outstanding questions on the proposal, so ball is still in your court on that one.

I am lasering anodized dog tags on a 60 watt co2 laser.

I can help you cut the shape. I can’t engrave. I’m worried about back reflection from AL. You could engrave them on one of Asmbly’s lasers.