Entrepreneur SIG this Wednesday, 5/15!

Hello Entrepreneurs - Happy Entrepreneur SIG Week!

I will be hosting this week’s meeting on Wednesday, May the 15th @ 7pm in the multipurpose room at Asmbly. This month’s meeting was originally scheduled for Thursday, May the 16th but I’ve had an unforeseen change in plans and will be out of town this Thursday.

This week we will walk through the “step by step” process of the basics of transitioning from an artist or maker to setting up an official business. We will explore a range of steps including but not limited to business name, domain name, website hosting platform, legal filings, business banking options, and social media account setup. We will use a workshop style process where those who want to start any steps can do so real time, and those who might not want to start yet can take notes and watch along. You will be provided with documentation of all the steps after the meeting - we’ll only get through so much in an hour!

I look forward to seeing you there!


@Stephanie2.0 You might be interested in this!

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This looks like a great event! Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it. Will notes from this meeting be posted?

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Great event but it looks like it needs to happen as “ongoing” kind of thing (I hope). I’m committed thru the weekend so will have to miss it, but hope someone(s) will record event topics. Going from maker / artist to business is not a topic covered in other forums and the CIty programs appear to be geared towards traditional business concepts. Still valuable but this group appears to be targeted towards a ‘different’ cohort.

Thanks all!

It appears that it is possible to transcribe audio recordings into text. Heard of that anyway. Is that possible?


Yes! Thank you! I’ll be there.

David, this SIG (special interest group) meets every month! I’m sure if this topic is well-received, @Jordanva2 will review it or expound upon it at later SIGs. Don’t want to put words in your mouth though, Jordan! You can find upcoming SIG dates on our calendar.

I would absolutely love to attend these, but alas I don’t have transportation in the evenings. I’ll add my voice to the hope these can be recorded or zoomed (is that really a contextual word here?). Or at least as Alex mentioned, notes be made available as well as class materials.

Yes, thanks @Sid! This is a group that meets monthly, and I will definitely send out notes and documentation after the meeting tomorrow! It seems like there is a lot of interest in this particular workshop, so I am happy to consider expounding in the future / continuing these types of workshops!

Update @jamesfreeman will attend tomorrow and help host a Zoom with a recording for this meeting! He will post the Zoom link here. This means that anyone unable to attend in person can through Zoom, and anyone who can’t attend at all can watch the recording after! Thanks @jamesfreeman !


Thank you @Jordanva2 and @jamesfreeman! Looking forward to watching the recording!

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Zoom Link:

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Hey @Jordanva2 ! Just wanting to add my name to the list for post meeting notes, as today I am unfortunately working during that time. Very excited to learn more tho!

I would love a copy of the notes. I just now saw this.

Hello Fellow Entrepreneurs,

Thank you all for another successful Entrepreneur SIG last night!

This month, we began our deep dive into the step-by-step process of building your business and your brand! We did a general overview of our Breakdown of the Step-by-Step process, and then spent time filling out this Intro Survey document. This is a great starting point for developing your business/brand. If you are in Entrepreneur SIG and our email group, I’ve also made this version available to the group to edit as they explore these stages and find more useful information, tools, resources, etc! I’ve emailed the recorded Zoom files to the group as well - if you are not currently on the email list and want to join, please let me know!

Please let me know if anyone has any questions! I look forward to next month!

Here’s the link for the Zoom recording:

May EIAB Meeting