Entrepreneur in a Box Recap - 7/19/23

We had a very successful Entrepreneur in a Box yesterday. The topic was Storytelling, and there was wonderful feedback to be had!

We discussed creating your why, determining the problem you want to solve, and targeting your audience. There was plenty of places too where entrepreneurs noted synergies among areas where we could share our strengths and improve on our weakness. Summer’s strengths in social media and Ozzy’s strengths in photography stood out.

We also took a look at several websites our entrepreneurs have created, and provided real-time feedback as we tried to understand how they could better tell their story. This is why these events are so valuable–because we can grow exponentially faster together than if we had to do everything on our own.

The deck is located here: Loading Google Slides

We have these meetings once a month. It’s a place where we can share, grow, and lean on each other for support. Hope to see everyone at the August Entrepreneur in a Box!