I’m tired of breaking my little twist drill bits. Is there anything I should watch out for if I use a 1/16" carbide end mill in the tailstock of the lathe? I have an ER-20 collet for 1/16". Is there an ER-20 chuck in the lathe room? Will one from the Tormach drawer work (R8, I think)?
We don’t have any collect chucks for the tail stock. But I don’t see any issue with using an end mill if you can hold it securely. And I think only your end mill and piece would be at risk.
I’ve also left a couple samples in the drawer, in case anyone wants to see if they can justify a tool post grinder. My cursory checks with a caliper were pretty good.
One tricky thing is that it doesn’t release when you fully retract the tail stock. I think it needs a protrusion at the back end to push it out. I’m 80% sure the back of it is M16x2.0, so hopefully a bolt will just work. I would have made one, but I don’t know how to threadmill on the lathe.