Dust Collector Filter Update

Yesterday, Shea was a big help with some of the tasks around the Woodshop. Especially with the dust collector. He spent a good hour on it and got us up to one of the highest readings we’ve had since the initial decline of the new filter.

As of this evening, the CFM dropped about 46% (from 3581 Ft/min to 2460) since yesterday’s buff. Still within a good working range but on the low side. when I measure this, under 2000 seems to be when problems start occurring much more frequently (tools backing up, dust flying out much more, low suction everywhere).

I pushed it back up to 2578 tonight by giving the filter a spray and pat down. I didn’t spend much time on it since folks were still working.

All this to say that the dust collector filter absolutely benefits from regular cleanings, not just once a week. I’m happy to show folks how to help give it a little boost, which only takes about 5 minutes. I’ll still be on this regularly but If anyone is able to help out regularly, or just one off whenever you come in, please let me know.

It’s an easy short task that can benefit the whole shop.

PS. I’m trying to reach Laguna support about how to extend the life of the filter so we don’t have to do so much manual labor.

I don’t keep the anemometer out in the open, but if there are folks able to help then I can leave it here for the measurement capability.
Here’s a screenshot of the readings I’ve been taking anytime I do this.