Double vision engraving with Pearl

Did some engraving with Pearl over the weekend, thanks to everyone who got the communication issue solved.

I noticed that my rasters are coming out with “double vision” — edges are duplicated/shifted. It looks almost like I ran it once, then moved the stock very slightly and ran it again, but it was just one pass.

Is this something I did wrong? An alignment issue with the laser?

That’s wild. And as I’m a newer laser user, I look forward to ideas on what’s going on here from our esteemed laser experts

My best guess is out of focus. Try including a snapshot of the settings or give more information so it can be determined weather is settings, software, or mechanical. Looks like you have an outline on the objects that is darker than the fill which separate a bit when the lens is out of focus. Im going to say too far up or not close enough. Normally if is mechanical (even though focus is mechanical) as in the machine malfunctioning, the circle engraving would be much less consistent. But im not expert, just taking an educated guess.

No outline on the objects, just rasters. I’ll attach the file I printed.

I found some relevant discussion elsewhere that suggests it could have to do with the nozzle, but I really don’t know enough about the laser to judge. Here was their illustration about that idea:

double beam

Plausible, but the side effect of that fault is that the business end of the machine gets super hot very quickly. I’d expect to see cone damage if you ran a whole job with that kind of misalignment.

Good to know. Guessing it was my focus then. Wonder why I haven’t had this problem before though

The lens carriage is loose. 3 thumb screws on front.

Also possible to be a cracked lens, but probably not.

Pearl has no air assist cone