Dorian started making squiggly lines when the commands are for straight

@torchedguitar has been cutting MDF on Dorian this evening with no problems, then when switching over to this 1/4" acrylic something happened and the laser is suddenly not capable of keeping a straight line. I swear we didn’t get Dorian drunk! :woozy_face: :joy:

From @torchedguitar:

Started out with vector, for straight cuts for like an hour. Then did this tiny test where I did a few clean vector rectangles, some raster squares, and then tried going back to vectoring… Now all vector lines are wiggly

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I did test it, but was unable to reproduce. It cut fine at high speed corners

This could happen if the #3 mirror is loose, but it didn’t seem to be loose at the time

One thing we didn’t try at the time was pushing the reset button. Maybe it was just a fluke that went away after a power cycle :woman_shrugging: