Do sleds affect min length when planing?

I have a few $5 scraps from Woodcraft that are barely 12” and quite warped / twisted (not cupped.)

If I shim them to a flat sled using hot glue will they be safe running through the planer?

I have other options for flattening these 3/4” scraps of bloodwood (CNC) but the planer is probably faster and a tool I should be more confident operating.

Can I shim and run pieces short of 12” safely through the planer if they’re glued to a board greater than 16” in length? If so can / should I adhere multiple short boards to one sled?

Details of the warp/twist that may be relevant:

If I pin down either short side of the 3/4” thick board the high corner is shy of 7/16” above the surface it’s resting on.

I would go drum sander, cnc, or the portable rail router (if is still around) using the sled you mentioned. If you use the planer and the glue or hold downs fail, it would be rather unpleasant to people around the machine and you may very well break it. Must be very impressive off cuts for you to do all this work. Normally Woodcraft doesn’t sell good looking stuff that cheap. Using the jointer is an option as long you do light cuts and boards are over 10." Please use push sticks or pads if you go this way.

Is the wood worth it? Probably not, but it’s a chance to learn something on an inexpensive piece of wood.

:+1: keep making dust!