Discoloration (rust?) on big Laguna lathe bed

This is what I saw when I started on Big Bird earlier:

It also extends to the unpainted parts of the tail stock and the very end of the bed.

I don’t know whether this has happened before, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it. Do we have a go-to process for treating this? I’ll do it next time I use the lathe if need be, I just don’t know if we’ve had to deal with this before.

There is no pitting or other marring of the surface, so if it’s rust, it seems to be only surface-level. That is good, but I don’t get how it would happen with such distinct lines and edges. Someone using a water-based finish without protecting the lathe fully? Resting a wet object on top of it?

(Tagging @David because he’s my go-to for lathe topics)


All three lathes were fine when I left on Sunday and am currently out of town. I will look at it Saturday morning before class. From the picture the cause may be a wet cloth or paper laid on the bed. Depending on the depth we can treat the issue with one of two products.

Thanks for noticing and letting me know.


Thank you David!

We have rust remover and gray pads that are extremely fine abrasive. Then Boeshield for prevention. It’s on the cast iron decks across the shop. We just switched over to that from Glide Cote, which we had been using.