Did you know Asmbly is on AmazonSmile?

Did you know you can support Asmbly without spending any extra money by using AmazonSmile and setting Asmbly Makerspace as your charity?

All you have to do is use the smile.amazon.com URL when making a purchase and make sure you have Asmbly set as your charity (more details about the program here).

It’s the only scenario where it’s actually cool to tell someone to smile more :slight_smile: (when they are using Amazon that is).

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Have you been smiling while shopping on Amazon? :smile:

If you are a mobile app users, here’s how you turn on Amazon Smile for the app –

Didn’t even know Asmbly was on Amazon Smile. I think it’s being discontinued :frowning:

Because Amazon doesn’t make enough money :confused: Thanks for the link @JohnWickham! Good thing I’m reaching out to them now to find out how we actually receive smile donations. I’m not sure we’ve ever actually received anything (although I can personally attest to funds being generated).


Unfortunately, Amazon announced on Wednesday that Amazon smile is ending on February 20th.


Yeah, @JohnWickham shared that news above. That’s awfully unfortunate. I’m going to make sure we get our funds before it disappears!

Missed the link. it is unfortunate.