Cutting brass with Shaper Origin

Does anyone know if the shaper origin can cut something like this (to engrave it with a textured design) since it’s a softer material? I thought I remember something about some metals being able to be cut with it, but I can’t remember.

Lone Star Signs Blank Brass Challenge Coin 40mm - Laser Engravable 23566

The shaper will cut brass. Whether or not the space allows the cutting of metals with it is another story.
@valerie are there any rules around this? On the CNC routers it’s OK.

@wynd cut some copper a while back, with details in this post

Dry cutting non-ferrous metals is generally acceptable – the thing we get crabby about is use of cutting fluids where they might contaminate other folks’ wood projects.

No coolants other than air on the wood CNCs, which would include the shaper origin.

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