Hi, Hackers! Volunteer Opportunity! Yay!
Job: Are you experienced at sharpening hand-tools, including chisels and gouges? Our shop chisels and gouges could use a little love before we start teaching a lathe class. Can you help and/or show others how that sharpening is done? COOL! Hero. Talk to folks listed below for more details!
Time estimate: Couple hours
Job Level 2: would you want to teach a tool-sharpening how-to class for people interested in doing woodwork with hand tools?
Person to talk to: @wynd @EricP
My chisels and plane blades are sharpened on stones so I probably can’t help much with grinding wheel technique, but I can lend a hand to someone more experienced. I’ve been wanting to learn so I can justify buying my own bench grinder
I don’t have enough experience sharpening chisels and planes to teach others yet, but I have seen some decent youtube videos.
sharpening jigs (video description contains links to series on sharpening tools):
freehand sharpening:
explanation of the bevel you want:
good starting place at least.
Thanks, JD and PJ! I think we are going to have a little clinic/tutorial next weekend at the space, there was a lovely man from Woodcraft who helped me and @wynd with the machine sharpening and is willing to come over the ATXHS – I’ll check in with him and check in over here to let people know what time. @gmossessian is also willing to teach us hand-sharpening, which would be great to know,
@wynd is also working on a plan to help organize the lathe area a bit – which is exciting, so keep an eye out for that and let him know if you want to help plan or execute!
Thanks, @deathraylabs, I will check them out I’ll post when we’re planning to get together! Hoping this week.
@kye, was it Jerry at Woodcraft? That guy is a legend! He’s been Woodworking for like 60 years…
If you can, record the demonstration next week. Not everyone will be able to attend, but many of us will want to see.
Thank you, Charlie, I’ll do my best! I took some photos at the Woodcraft course – it would be great to get our tools up to snuff and it’s going to be a bit of a journey – but anyhow I imagine hearing his explanation could be really helpful as well as the photos. @Ba-lakeh I did get to meet Jerry! Who was so kind and knowledgeable… and legendary. The teacher was Joe G, who is a relatively new teacher but sharpens chisels for people as a side gig in his retirement – they both were so gracious and full of practical wisdom… It was like being welcomed into a shop shared by several master woodworker, extremely tidy grandpas, I felt very lucky and was utterly delighted. WIsh I could have taken my own grandpa there, actually.