[COMPLETE] Quick laser help needed today :lasers: 🏠 🙏

We’re down to the last cutouts needed for our friends at Thinkery to finish out their gingerboard house workshops and we need help * today * to get them finished. The cut files for them are set up for Dorian and we just need to cut 15 more roofs (less than an hour total) to get it done (thanks @AJStow for knocking so many of these out!).

Can anyone help take us to the finish line on this?

We have 9p-midnight blocked off on Dorian for whoever can help, but even if you can just squeeze some in during your own reservation that’s greatly appreciated as well. Let us know if you can help and @Jordanva2 can send the file and details over (materials are on site).

Tagging folks with upcoming laser reservations in case they are able to assist — @JOSEGAYTAN @NickE @nightinlight @RM92 @Jon_McHugh

Note: The print file for this is proprietary to Thinkery. Duplication/personal use is not permitted.

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There is someone with a recurring booking on Dorian while I am scheduled for Tarkin, but if they’re not there I will happily take care of this.

If no one else does, I can swing by during the allotted time and take care of it.

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You’re awesome thank you so much Nick! I’ll let @Jordanva2 know to sync up with you

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I got one of the two sheets cut out but had something come up I had to leave for. The 2nd sheet of cardboard is hidden behind Tarkin.

If someone else can knock the 2nd sheet out (approx 30 min cut time), please send me a text (432.816.3448) and I will shoot the cut file over to you.

Otherwise I’ll come by super early tomorrow to take care of it.


I wish I checked the forum earlier—I’d have been happy to help out this morning.

Someone from thinkery came in while I was there around noon to pick up the pieces. I noticed a stack near the front desk with a “for thinkery” sign on it, so I let them take it. Hope that’s ok.

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That’s perfect, thank you so much @rjnevels! And thank you @NickE for knocking these final cuts out!