Complete - Aux Room & Main Shop: Emergency Lights

We had had a new exit/emergency light sitting around unused for a long time, so I installed it in the aux room. The exit light works, but the emergency lights do not. I suspect the battery went bad while sitting around, but it’s also possible I installed something wrong. I need someone to figure out what’s wrong and fix it, most likely finding a replacement for that battery. Make sure you kill the “NE Corner lights” breaker before opening the sign; there is a 120V feed going into it. The sign opens by depressing some tabs around the edges.

The emergency lights don’t work very well for the exit sign near the shop entrance either, and I think it’s the same design as the other. I suspect the battery even more strongly there (because the lights do come on very dimly). Diagnosing and fixing it could be done in parallel. I’m not certain which breaker it’s on.


I just checked the wiring and the battery. Battery is showing proper voltage. Don’t see any obvious problems. Can’t find the manual online.

I left the battery on the table should someone want to look at it.

Because these are low cost products, and emergency critical, I would suggest replacing them.

I looked around the shop to see where the emergency lighting is located. There are multiple rooms where emergency lighting is required and missing.

They are indeed fairly cheap, so I will try to figure out how many we need and order them. But it’s odd that it won’t light up with a good battery. It makes me wonder if we are overlooking something.

did we try checking the bulbs with a power supply? it’s been knocking around storage for a while

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I would have expected LEDs, but there is indeed a bulb in there. They look intact, but I’ll try to test them somehow. That’s an argument in favor of all new signs though; get modern ones with LEDs.

they’ll certainly run a lot longer

yeah, LED exit sign emergency lights with battery are like $30. Not worth spending much time troubleshooting the ones we have.

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Yeah, the bulbs are bad. I’ll just get some new signs.