Nice to virtually meet you! I’m joining asmbly for the woodshop (for now) but was wondering if someone could help me 3D print an item for work. Its a pretty simple design, already have a 3D file, and its about the size of an iphone.
3 separate pieces that need to be printed
1 in a solid material
1 in a semi - transparent material
1 in a clear material
Most likely will have to print 2- 3 sets of each
I know this sounds a little complex, but would love to show the actual item (it’s pretty simple). Let me know if anyone can help! Feel free to reply here or email me (PM for email)
P.S - I can also order materials if needed - just need to know where/ how
Is there anyone available to print these in resin? I don’t use those printers but it may be needed for the clear print in order to get it clear enough.