Cold Saw - Operational

The Cold Saw is down until we can get a new blade. The old blade appears to have become bent as a result of the blade being used while slightly loose.

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ETA on new blade is Tuesday.

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Updated ETA is Friday. :man_facepalming:t2::crying_cat_face:

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New blade is here and installed. It should be noted that there are a large number of blade choices with variable number of teeth. Ideal blade tooth choice depends HEAVILY on metal thickness, type (tubing or solid), and orientation of blade to material (perpendicular, angled, etc.) This blade may not be ideal for your type of cut.

We may need to look at having some choices. Love to have feedback on your experience.


I tried to cut some 1" x 2.5" stainless with the cold saw. It quickly became apparent it was going to take all day. I think part of the reason is that the cold saw had a thicker blade and just has to move more material. I moved to the horizonal bandsaw instead, and it cut easily. Just something to keep in mind. It’s great to have both options.


I tried cutting extruded aluminum on the cold saw today. It was normally ripping through it in no time, but it had a really hard time today. Could it be that the teeth are completely worn down?

Hmm, I guess not since this blade is fairly new. Maybe because it’s thicker than the previous one?

@Snestle this seems to match up with @ewei’s report.

I replaced the blade just after this. Preparing a separate post.