CNC SIG Meeting This Sunday @ 9am at Asmbly!


It’s that time again! And after Halloween! Can’t wait to hear about all your spooky stories and fun times on the CNC this Sunday. This is the last time to showcase your skillz before the Maker Market in mid-November, or just chat amongst friends about the nature and wonder of the CNC.

Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday, November 3rd in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) at Asmbly!

Zoom meeting link for those attending virtually: Launch Meeting - Zoom


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And don’t forget how the start of Daylight Savings Time affects Sunday’s meeting!

Very good reminder @TravisGood !!

An extra hour for Joaquim to go get donuts!

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@Joaquim sounds like your up!

The doughnut shop where I typically get them for the SIG will be closed on Sunday—the head cook suddenly passed away on Monday. So I will not be bringing any this time around :frowning: