CNC Router: How to get it online

Hello, the school I’m working at has an un-used CNC router. Nobody seems to know much about it, except that it “works”, and may need “software”.

To the CNC experts out there, can you help me identify what this machine is, and what I would need to get it online. I can take further pictures, and poke around more - let me know.

Photos below:

// JRO

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This is an uneducated guess. It looks like 3018 style machine. Try this?? 3018

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If you plug in the usb it can show the type of device in device manager?

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From ebay

This looks similar too:


Thank you! When I am there next, I’ll plug it into USB and see what shows up, and will compare it to the links you shared. You guys rock!

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“What’s this CNC Router and How to get it Online?” Update:

Product ID: ? 0x2130

I’m trying to figure out (1) what driver it needs, (2) What design software is compatible (trying out that one from Planet-CNC), and (3) How to get this to run on MacOS


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It is looks like there is a download Link

This is for the help forum: Forum

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Looks like it recognizes it - but I’m unable to select that CNC as the Primary Controller (the instructions say I ought to be able to double-click it). Will continue to tinker, and will read through the forums - thank you.


Maybe the baud rate is off. I would change it to see if it connects properly

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