CNC Commission Work Needed

Hello Asmbly Makers,

I’m an artist in need of some work on the CNC.

I am seeking to have my geometric designs routed into plaster slabs. I will provide the slabs which will measure about 10"x10"x2". The geometric designs will be about 9" in diameter and need to be routed at a depth of 1".
I have a considerable amount to be done, about 12-20, but they don’t need to be done all at once and may need to have it done over time depending on cost. If this is something that works out well I will likely have more in the future.

If anyone has CNC Plaster before or feels confident enough to be commissioned for this work please let me know and I can provide more details and we can discuss what needs to be done for this project.

Thank you for your time,

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Can you post a picture of what your design looks like?

also what do you make you molds out of? Machining plaster should work but you’ll have to throw out the endmills constantly. Carbide might hold up but if it doesn’t its a lot more expensive. If its acceptable machining the mold might be an cheaper option.

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The plaster is a silica and calcium sulfate mixture I’m looking to use GlassCast 910 for its durability. I am hoping to have molds for future ceramic and glass sculptures, but, mostly for fusing glass. I have 3D designs sliced in layers so one piece could have about 8 molds. I’m open to suggestions.

I am being restricted from adding photos to this post. But I could email them

You might have better luck machining the negative and casting plaster into that, then using the plaster as a mold. With a proper mold release, you should be able to release plaster from most plastics. I am not sure who is in charge of what materials are allowed on the CNC but I would imagine plaster won’t play well with the dust collection system.

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Excellent point @HannaKessler! @jamesfreeman @dannym @Jon, thoughts on plaster being CNC’d at the space?

I doubt the filter bag would do much for plaster dust, but the triclone might handle it; @dannym would have a better idea.

I don’t think it’s a great idea. I can see another unknown- plaster powder building up a concretion in the dust collector. Probably not since there shouldn’t be any moisture.

But it’s gonna dull your bits quickly, potentially hazardous dust, and plaster’s primary feature is it can be cast. So why not cat it?

Thank you I appreciate your feedback, I have quite a few artist friends who have gone this route when trying to deal with intricate shapes within plaster. Casting is not always the best outcome. It does dull your bits but it is 100% doable.
Thank you though I found collaborative help.

Thank you, I’v worked with plaster for a long time and your right casting a typical way to do things but doesn’t lend itself to the outcome that I’m looking for.

Thank you for your feedback I found collaborative help that I’m gonna move forward with.

Please use a HEPA rated vacuum when cutting this and ensure you wipe down the machine thoroughly after use